A Really Rotten Borough
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Wirral Council whistleblower Martin Morton: 'I'd do it all again, because it's the RIGHT thing to do'
THE following is a response to the Globe report (see related links below) detailing the comments made by the Leader of the Council Steve Foulkes at Wirral Council’s cabinet meeting on January 14, when cabinet finally agreed that a group of people with learning disabilities had been systematically and unlawfully charged over a prolonged period of time.
Public interest in this case has been significant and I have received overwhelming support since I felt compelled to “blow my cover”.
It was reassuring to discover that a significant number of people on Wirral are not only concerned about standards in public life, but also the rights of disabled people.
I would like to thank all those who have offered their support and assistance during this ordeal, which enabled me to continue challenging the grave injustice perpetrated by the council.
My response is restricted to Wirral Council’s charging and whistleblowing policies, as I have been advised by Bill Norman (Director of Law, HR and Asset Management) that if I do not “observe strict confidentiality” regarding matters which led me to walk out of my job two years ago, he will be minded to advise cabinet to halt the long overdue investigation into my bullying allegations.
The paragraph on the Globe website, which had me heading for the beta-blockers, read: "Cllr Foulkes said the affair had proved that anyone within the council with a complaint - 'or a whistleblower, as the term has been used in this case' - would have their grievances properly investigated and acted upon."
This reinforced the experience repeated over the last few years of living in a parallel universe where wrong is right, bad is good and lies are truth.
Had I not taken my serious concerns to the Audit Commission this matter would have been buried as deep as nuclear waste - proof positive of the catastrophic failure of Wirral Council to address my concerns.
I chose to "go public" only because I witnessed lies, denials, and attempts at a smokescreen at several Audit and Risk Management Committee meetings.
At times the conduct of the most senior officers of Adult Social Services simply took my breath away, so brazen was their contempt for councillors, the public and most importantly those they are employed to serve.
I recall that when the current Director of Adult Social Services was initially in post he set out in a presentation his plan of action on how he intended to take the Department forward.
John Webb reminded us: "We are all public servants and ALL must do a good job."
He said he wanted to work in a place where all staff are: Able to perform well and innovate; Involved and listened to; Clear about what is expected of them; Treated fairly and consistently; Valued and respected; Supported.
Yet this was not my experience of working for DASS, or I would never have become a whistleblower.
And I suspect a large number of Adult Social Services staff who try to do their best for the vulnerable people of Wirral would share my experience.
Mr Webb's presentation reminded us that ACE is essential. ACE was an acronym for "Accountability" and "Expectations" he explained, but teased: "What's missing? Consequences!"
Consequences are still missing, as the reinstatement of two officers implicated in the cover-up proves.
According to an email on their return from a nine-month suspension on full pay, he told DASS staff he was "delighted" to have them back.
Cabinet's decision on January 14 brings Wirral Council into further disrepute.
The sorry saga began with a denial of any financial liability to the council in respect of unlawful charges made upon tenants of Bermuda Rd, Curlew Way and Edgehill Rd between October 1997 and June 2006.
After personally providing irrefutable evidence of a cover-up the council sought to persistently minimise its financial liability.
As the cover-up unravelled, the financial liability grew from Zero (September 2008) to £78,499.62 (November 2008), to £116,300 (September 2009), to £243,700 (November 2009), reducing to £241,000 (January 2010).
However, based on all the evidence and information I have obtained from DASS I believe the true figure for a full reimbursement is nearer £500K - as I have consistently maintained.
The council is now shamelessly minimising the reimbursement by retrospectively applying a different charging policy.
Even the Director of Law has ruled: "Legally the council is precluded from seeking to recover this money retrospectively; the money is lost."
It is simply unlawful to apply a charging policy that should have been in place to only this particular group of people.
Fairness and consistency demands that every person who received a service in a supported living setting should also be retrospectively charged.
Not only are Wirral Council persisting with this unlawful course of action, they are even trying to discourage these vulnerable people from claiming their full entitlement by putting obstacles in their way.
The threat of potential financial disadvantage to tenants making a claim against the council is both misleading and manipulative.
If the council truly supported disability rights it would appeal to the Department of Work and Pensions, as I have done, that vulnerable people should not be penalised for "official error" - the understatement of the year.
It is likely that a responsible decision maker within DWP would "disregard" the reimbursement and it would not adversely affect the tenants' benefit entitlement.
As I stated at an Audit and Risk Management meeting, I regret being a whistleblower, I regret losing my job and - most of all - I regret causing my loyal wife intolerable stress.
But I would do it all again - BECAUSE IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.
I implore Wirral Council to do the right thing by these vulnerable people, and pay back everything they owe, to enable me and my family to rebuild a life that was nearly destroyed.
How can we have claims of DASS management's involvement in financial abuse, cover-up, lost revenue of over £1M, bullying, incompetence, gross maladministration and malfeasance, but the only person to suffer any detriment was the one who exposed it?
The dangerous message Wirral Council gives the staff is this: "Play the game and no matter how incompetent you are we will reward you. Whistleblow about abuse - and we will destroy you.”
© copyright Martin Morton. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Comments on the above story published in the Wirral Globe
10:19am Wed 20 Jan 10
An absolutely amazing story of cover-ups at the highest level of social services - and STILL no punishment for the real perpetrators who keep what should be untenable positions after these revelations - and STILL the council refuses to fully re-imburse the victims - and STILL the director of law threatening Mr Morton if he discloses the full extent of the cover up to the public. Absolutely shocking and extremely worrying that vulnerable people are still being dealt with by the same people who have been ripping them off for YEARS.
The whistle-blower has been very courageous in pursuing this despite the detriment to his own health and financial security - ultimately losing his job over it while the real criminals get away not only with their over-charging but the bullying and intimidation they have subjected Mr Morton to. Disgraceful.
I encourage Mr Morton to continue to do the right thing and weed out the people who are infecting the social services department(and anyone else who may be implicated) - despite the director of law's outrageous threats.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
11:54am Wed 20 Jan 10
I wonder what would happen if Everyone who has ever witnessed Anything iffy going on within the council reported it. Could they REALLY destroy SO many people's lives - quietly ?
What really goes behind those closed doors ? How bad is it really ?
glenn, moreton, says...
1:16pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Thanks for the link Paul. It certainly seems like the reason for such vehemence to cover-up this issue is down to back room deals with care home contractors who perhaps are friends of council officers??? I wonder!! It wouldn't surprise me. Perhaps this could be a line of investigation for someone? The results could be startling.
Natasha Eubank, Oxton says...
1:25pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Only in a very distorted and disturbed mind could someone claim that the Whistleblowing system in Wirral Council actually works. This issue took 9 YEARS to be addressed (and despicably addressed by elected members) and only because it was referred to the Audit Commission. It cost one man his job, his health and his quality of life. It continues to be down-played by elected members and senior Council Officers - So I would like to make an open request to Councillor Steve Foulkes to respond via this web-page (Even if he doesn't read this site, I'm convinced some of the other Labour miscreants do - Perhaps they can draw his attention to this request?) and state how he feels the Whistleblowing system has been effective in this matter? I mean seriously Steve, what planet do you inhabit? Judging by the events during your tenure as Leader, you have demonstrated a spectacular contempt for Wirral Council and I speculate that you are not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, but to claim that the Whistleblowing system works........I mean seriously, it's not even intelligent 'spin' is it? It's just plain ill-advised and unbelievably dim.....Do us all a favour Steve and just go, go and attend your football matches and leave Local Authority administration to those who have a semblance of integrity and intelligence
Natasha Eubank, Oxton says...
1:38pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Apologies - "Judging by the events during your tenure as Leader, you have demonstrated a spectacular contempt for Wirral Council" - Clearly this should read "a spectacular contempt for Wirral Residents" - Perhaps I have contracted the same condition that affects Foulkes..........
Ivorromaleyn, New Brighton says...
3:54pm Wed 20 Jan 10
I have already asked the Queen to send a signal on our behalf as she is the only one in the Kingdom who might be allowed to practice common sense rather than PC.
Please forward this artical and comment to Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace. \writing Comments in the Globe is not enough it seems to me.
Perhaps Her Majesty will ask the Audit Commision to comment on this case?
I would love to be present at thwe audiance.
Come on now, copy and print then post.
hugo2008, Wirral says...
4:37pm Wed 20 Jan 10
If this appalling issue involving some of the least able to defend themselves in our community is not resolved before the next election, either National for MPs or indeed local for Councillors.
Please do not vote for any candidate who has been in power for any longer than 12 months. This will eradicate all the parasites who have invested Wirral with this terrible corruption. All of them have either known about it or should have known about it and failed miserably to do anything about the whole diabolical affair. As for the Executive Officers employed by the Council and paid by you and me, at every opportunity remind them and mention the sheer disgrace this has brought to Wirral.
Veridici, Wirral says...
7:20pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Ivorromaleyn, I suspect Her Majesty is constitutionally prevented from acting, but that does not stop us from doing so, does it?
Helen A, bromborough says...
7:27pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Excellent article Martin! You should be very proud of yourself as you are obviously a very intelligent and principled man who has put your qualities to good use. I wish the same could be said for the many adversaries you have single handedly defeated in your fight for justice. Laughable really to think that despite their best efforts, the full might and power of the Council has not managed to shut you up. The past few years cannot have been easy for you and I would like to thank you on behalf of the good, law abiding citizens of Wirral who applaud what you have done. Who knows, one day I may recognise you in the street and be able thank you personally. May you and your wife now reap the peace of mind and untroubled sleep that you so richly deserve; unlike, I hasten to add, all those who have tried to silence you, and whose burdens of guilt must secretly weigh very heavily indeed; especially at night
MX, Wirral says...
8:20pm Wed 20 Jan 10
It's quite obvious now why this took so long and so much effort to get in the public domain as dozens of people seem to be implicated in this debacle and they've all been covering each others backs.
At times, it appears that the only people who didn't know what was going on were the cleaning staff at Westminster House (no I take that back from what I hear the cleaning staff at Westminster House know a thing or two!).
glenn, moreton, says...
8:22pm Wed 20 Jan 10
veridici, was it not cllr pat williams who made a ruling against an independent inquiry after heeding one of the implicated's(john webb's) proclamation that there was no need for any investigation? Is this not malfeasance in public office? (She knew all about the over-charging and overlooked it because one of the accused told her to!)
Merseymouth, Wallasey says...
10:38pm Wed 20 Jan 10
If I stole a quarter (half?) a million pounds or committed fraud that netted the same, I would expect to go to jail.
Why are the police not investigating or am I missing something?
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
10:54pm Wed 20 Jan 10
MM the simple answer is that as an ordinairy citizen you would not be a part of a very intricately tangled web therefore much much easier to deal with without affecting anyone else along the line.
piggymalone, wirral says...
11:24pm Wed 20 Jan 10
Would it be pertinent of me to add
Bill Norman?
And on another point, why have the tories not spoken out on this matter.
lordthomas, birkenhead says...
12:44am Thu 21 Jan 10
as council tax payers,is there no way we can have bill norman sacked or removed from his post if we dont want him working for us.
He himself knows the answer but will not dare tell anyone will you bill I know you will be reading this.
we have other legal reps on the council they should speak up to advise us as to what moves we can take.
we can change things at the next election vote only for independants standing in your area.and any new independants who stand against this corrupt group of low life.
lets hope the inquiry ito bullying takes on board the threats bill norman has implied and make payment to martin for all his loss and all future loss of income
water1lily, spital says...
8:45am Thu 21 Jan 10
wirral dass is totally unfit for purpose i would like to see a petition for a public enquiry not just into the charging fiasco but the whole department.They are causing untold misery across wirral to the very people they are paid to help.They have placed my handcapped son with a known violent co-tenant who has assaulted him and his visitors.The case is with the ombudsman who they have fed a tissue of lies.wirral refuse to provide a budget so that my son can move from this dangerous situation I have been told not to e-mail the director johnwebb@wirral.gov.
uk as he doesn't want to know.Perhaps others would like to tell him what they think of his department
piggymalone, wirral says...
9:48am Thu 21 Jan 10
Would it be of any benefit to try and get this story in the national press?
Marleys Ghost, Wirral says...
11:33am Thu 21 Jan 10
It is an absolute disgrace that, even though these matters have been brought before the Audit and Risk Management Committee, the council continue to delay and minimise the total payment due to these people. This can only be causing Mr. Morton and his family further distress. If the council really are sorry for what they have done and want to make amends to the Morton family for what they have put them through, then I suggest that they start by paying back the full amount that is due to the tenants that they have financially abused.
This should never have been a fight for one man to be committed to; where are the independent advocates for those who have been abused? Why hasn't there been a full independent inquiry into these events? Surely the only way that Wirral can now minimise the damage to the reputation of the authority is for it to finally face the truth and do what is right. Failing that I hope top see them all voted out of office at the next election so that proper redress may be made by the new regime.
Leigh Marles, says...
11:33am Thu 21 Jan 10
We've removed some comments from this thread because they were making libellous and/or criminal allegations stated as fact.
Please keep your comments to personal opinions or dicussion without making personal attacks, otherwise we will be unfortunately forced to close the comments this thread.
Thanks for your co-operation.
Leigh Marles, Editor
minimad69, Birkenhead says...
11:34am Thu 21 Jan 10
Well Done Martin.
Another excellent example of how WBC and certain senior officers of the council, now think it is OK to operate on our behalf - with random, ill thought out belligerence.
They will only 'do the right thing' if forced to by the trheat of censure or removal from office (see also Wirral Libraries!).
When did they become so arrogant and useless - I have fond memories of when this administration achieved things years ago - now I wouldn't trust them to go to a shop for a pint of milk !!!!!
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
12:20pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Leigh, I have not stated anything as fact. I have reiterated information easily available elsewhere. I also question how the provision of names of anyone involved in this particular matter even vaguely resembles an allegation of any sort. Perhaps you could enlighten me ?
Dear readers, this is exactly how secrecy is perpetuated and the Globe has no choice but to obey laws in abundance to keep the press and us quiet. I suppose we can not blame them for fearing the consequences.
Fortunately this website is not the only resource on the internet should anyone care to google and quietly read about the people running this council.
As you can see it is best not to repeat what you know but knowledge is power - so they say. I do hope that someone is able to figure out a way to use this knowledge to stop blatant abuse of vulnerable people by those who are very well paid out of our own pockets to care for and protect them.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
12:22pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Oh actually, in reiterating information easily available elsewhere I may have breached copyright.
See, there is a law for everything and lots and lots to keep people quiet.
Hilarious...security words are : talk-even
MX, Wirral says...
12:51pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Clearly someone "in the know" is reading the posts then.
I don't see how a list of random names is libellous.However the situation simply invites speculation.
Have Care Quality Commission been involved?.
Is this the reason the Council got a redflag from Central Government for failings in their safeguarding of vulnerable adults?.
Is everything just going to carry on as if nothing has happened?.
So many questions,so few answers.
Full independent enquiry please.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
1:05pm Thu 21 Jan 10
The silence emanating from anyone at all who has authority over the council is deafening. (Is that libellous since it's true ? )
piggymalone, wirral says...
1:20pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Oooooops, do I hear the ruffling of feathers in the corridors of power.
More like the blind panic is making the feathers fly, and not before time.
I hope the guilty ones ( and they know who they are as well as we do) suffer twice as many sleepless nights as you put Martin Morton and his wife through and then prosecuted for malfeasance in public office when we hope you suffer many more sleepless nights in prison and dont think complaining to the Wirral Globe will save you from your deserved fate.
glenn, moreton, says...
1:30pm Thu 21 Jan 10
one of my comments regarding the lack of action over this by the council leader has been removed
Veridici, Wirral says...
1:37pm Thu 21 Jan 10
piggymalone, I hardly think you can castigate the Tories - after all, Simon Mountney was the only councillor of any colour to find this case shocking enough to devote a great many hours to it.
Regarding comments, I do find the censorship of non-libellous material rather worrying. Of course the Globe is a commercial organisation, so is open to what could be seen as blackmail from outside parties. However, as someone else has already pointed out, there are alternatives available to those who wish to make comments, if you Google 'Veridici' and 'blowingthewhistle'. Of course the usual laws on copyright, decency and libel are maintained there.
TheLooseCannon, Wirral says...
2:03pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Leigh, instead of deleting whole messages could you not just remove any names of individuals you believe have been libelled - allegedly?
And why has this newspaper not taken the initiative to start a campaign for an independent inquiry? You know how powerful the press can be - why are you not using it?
Leigh, instead of deleting whole messages could you not just remove any names of individuals you believe have been libelled - allegedly? .... And why has this newspaper not taken the initiative to start a campaign for an independent inquiry? You know how powerful the press can be - why are you not using it?
Veridici, Wirral says...
2:10pm Thu 21 Jan 10
glenn, no, it was the former Director of DASS, Kevin Miller, who told Pat Williams there was no need for an inquiry - of any sort.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
2:16pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Leigh, the Globe's opinion is clear. You've accepted the Council's admission that their own behaviour was "unlawful" in your reports. So the next phase will be attributing that to the persons involved, who currently prefer to remain anonymous - hopefully via a legal process.***Ok, it would be unwise to apply the 'criminal' or 'illegal' terms to named individuals, but many posters here are taking their lead from the Globe. Now that a partial admission of fault has been made, they feel fully vindicated in using these words to describe the collective behaviour resorted to over a ten year period. The Council are still claiming to have behaved in accordance with their policies (bit of a contradiction) and to have drawn a line under it. But this doesn't stack up, and in all likelihood, there is a risk that the unlawful activity will continue into the future and further matters may become concealed. Stay committed, don't waver, and stand shoulder to shoulder with Martin. You are in a very strong position and have them on the run.
TheLooseCannon, Wirral says...
2:32pm Thu 21 Jan 10
You're absolutely right to say the Council is 'on the run', PaulCa. Actually, I think 'panic mode' could well be nearer the truth.....DASS will not be helped by a ruling from the Local Government Ombudsman who appears to be nearing the conclusion of his investigation into my long-running complaint against DASS and its Directors, past and present
All they needed to have done over the last ten years was to treat vulnerable people with respect, decency, compassion, and fairness, and all this would have been avoided.
piggymalone, wirral says...
2:44pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Veridici, I hope I did not castigate the tories as I am well awre of the actions taken by Cllr Mountney and Fraser. I am just a little surprised they have made no comments unless of course their attitude is that they do not want to make political gain out of this sorry mess. If that is the case, I think they shoulld say as much.Spiff, I did try and PM you but the system is not working. I dont know if there is any significane in that or it is just co-incidence.Veridici, I hope I did not castigate the tories as I am well awre of the actions taken by Cllr Mountney and Fraser. I am just a little surprised they have made no comments unless of course their attitude is that they do not want to make political gain out of this sorry mess. If that is the case, I think they shoulld say as much. Spiff, I did try and PM you but the system is not working. I dont know if there is any significane in that or it is just co-incidence.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:46pm Thu 21 Jan 10
It is my non-libellous and factually based opinion that blackmailing Mr Morton to keep quiet about how they treated him - in threatening to halt the investigation into his bullying - is absolutely disgusting....I also query its legality. I would like to know which law exactly prevents him from speaking out. I suspect the threat is not based on law but a well-founded fear of the truth getting out too quickly to too many people. ...But that is JUST my opinion.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:48pm Thu 21 Jan 10Piggy, I checked my messages and got the following:..."InformationPrivate messaging has been disabled on this board."...I invite you to draw your own conclusions as I could not possibly speculate.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:49pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I wonder............when does the bookburning start ?
Merseymouth, Wallasey says...
4:01pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Have a heart guys, a former editor was hauled over the coals many years ago for daring to question the Council re its subsidised private bar at the town hall.Threats of taking away advertising etc I understand, so it is not new. Fact!
Veridici, Wirral says...
4:19pm Thu 21 Jan 10
So, Merseymouth, is it your personal opinion that Wirral Council does not believe in free speech? ...It's my personal opinion that certain officers previously named on this board, are a bunch of shysters and should be brought to justice
It's my personal opinion that everyone who cares about this should contact their local councillor and explain to them just how badly you believe the Council is behaving....Perhaps you could also explain that it is your opinion that they are not worthy of licking Mr Morton's boots, let alone being voted back into office
it could just concenrate a few minds
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
4:19pm Thu 21 Jan 10
MM no one blames the editor, me least of all. Just having some non-libellous fun at the council's expense. Purely out of curiosity..have you read Fahrenheit 451 ? :)
piggymalone, wirral says...
4:54pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I googled "veridici" as his site might allow us to shame the individual lying, crooks involved and guess what came up
Cllr. Pat Williams, Oxton says... 1:12pm Tue 1 Dec 09
It would be appreciated if Verdici could provide me with the evidence to justify the assertion above. I have always sought to protect the vulnerable in our community and to act with integrity and will continue to do so.
In addition, although I am only too well aware of my own shortcomings, I can sleep in my bed with a clear conscience. Regarding the SAR; I made my opposition to it very clear to colleagues from the start.
As a loyal Liberal Democrat all that I agreed to was that the people of Wirral should be consulted on the proposals in the consultants report. Throughout and since the limited consultation process I have remained consistent in my opposition and what is more - been penalised for it. However, I remain a true Liberal Democrat."
I think I have, in one of the posts above, hoped that complicant parties suffer many more sleepless nights than Martin Morton and his wife have suffered, Cllr Williams, as you state above, you will not be suffering any sleepless nights, your conscience is clear as you have always sought to protect the vulnerable and act with integrity.
Hmmmmmmmm is that so!
Veridici, Wirral says...
5:11pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I'm delighted you found interesting material on Blowing the Whistle, piggymalone....I did indeed provide Pat Williams with the proof she requested, and I don't think she has posted again, although I may be wrong....By the by, your comment has been approved and published.
MX, Wirral says...
6:19pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I am heartened in this era of cynicism and political apathy that people are engaged in a righteous cause and are making alliances based not on political affiliations or self -interest but for justice,the common good and the protection of disabled people.Keep on making those connections.
© copyright the Authors. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Comments continued ...
6:37pm Thu 21 Jan 10
The following is an excerpt of an email exchange between DASS Senior Officers regarding the overcharging. This transcript is freely available on the internet - The full version can be found at http://blowingthewhistleonareallyrottenborou.blogspot.com/search/label/%22Employee%20A%22 - Approximately 1/4 of the way down the page.
Once we go for a ‘reimbursement’ the cover’s blown. However we can’t bury our head in the sand for too much longer as the charging review group will start soon (it could be better to leave it to that group to consider?) In the meantime there is ‘unfairness’ in the system hence my advice to Xxxxx to consider the broader issues in AMT.
By the book:- there is no separate charging policy for this service, so it could be argued the domiciliary care charging policy must apply (and should have since ‘97), and that will mean a hefty reimbursement.
I would suggest we go to the Cabinet in the political down time (May-June) to get agreement for a ‘special charging policy’ for supported living as part of the budget strategy.... and that this policy maintains the status quo in financial terms but does so more fairly. I would also suggest the impact on individuals and groups in certain living situations are considered in more depth as I was left thinking the charging practice was very diverse and almost locally determined by individual staff (although I could be wrong there).
Wirral Integrity, Wirral says...
6:47pm Thu 21 Jan 10
To clear up any doubt, the above email exchange demonstrates irrefutably, that DASS senior officers were aware of the overcharging and yet sought to cover it up. They were suspended for 9 months on full pay (which for an Assistant Director equates to approx. £75,000) and subsequently reinstated. Disgusting. Furthermore, because DASS do not have the financial resources to meet the reimbursement, the money will have to come out of other department budgets. In a time were we are facing cuts in front-line services and redundancies, perhaps the two DASS Senior Officers should be the first to go. Thier combined salaries will certainly meet the reimbursement shortfall.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
6:51pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I wonder how much council tax we will all have to pay this year.
piggymalone, wirral says...
7:03pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Spiff...you can bet your bottom dollar it will be the capped maximum, think thats 5% increase
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
7:11pm Thu 21 Jan 10
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
7:13pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Excellent work, Wirral Integrity. That is just astounding. I'll check out that website link straight away. There will be a strong desire by Wirral council tax payers to see this sort of evidence laid out before them - just to satisfy any lingering doubts they have still had over the people they once placed their trust in.
MX, Wirral says...
7:55pm Thu 21 Jan 10
This gets worse or better (depending on your viewpoint).
But the above info isn't on some obscure website.It's on the Wirral Council's own website in a report written by Mr.Moreton!....and if you read on it gets worse.
MX, Wirral says...
8:03pm Thu 21 Jan 10
By the way I forgot to say Mr or Ms Integrity .Are you really telling me that those who perpertrated this are on £75K ? and they're not even the head honchoes?.Say it isn't so!.So Mr.Moreton is worth what?, 7-8 months of their salary and they carry on completely unaffected having spent what 9 months on full pay watching The Jeremy Kyle Show,Loose Women and Deal or No Deal ?.Somebody wake me up and tell me this is a bad dream.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
8:06pm Thu 21 Jan 10
MX wrote:I am heartened in this era of cynicism and political apathy that people are engaged in a righteous cause and are making alliances based not on political affiliations or self -interest but for justice,the common good and the protection of disabled people.Keep on making those connections.
MX I think you would probably find that most people do not suffer from political Apathy at all but from political Conditioning. Acceptance of it is variable....The last decade alone has seen so much legislation passed controlling the population that complaining about Anything regarding authority has become a stressful, exhausting, long-drawn out process that can and does destroy people's lives. In most cases it also appears to achieve very little as those in authority consider themselves untouchable and answerable to no-one....It can put off the strongest amongst us but it is the always the sick, the weak, the vulnerable that are the least well-equipped to enter into these processes and the authorities know it. It is much more than abusive but there is not a word I can think of that is strong enough to describe it right this minute though...."Complaints Procedure" - and "Whistleblowing" as we have seen - in this authority is now a contradiction in terms and this insidious creeping destructive culture has got to to change regardless of party politics. Some things are just plain unacceptable from anybody.
Wirral Integrity, Wirral says...
8:15pm Thu 21 Jan 10MX - I believe that £75K represents the pro-rata of their 9 month suspension. The mind boggles. I believe that Director salary falls between £118K and £128K whilst our friend Maddox gets paid £132K for attending lunches.....
MX, Wirral says...
8:26pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Can't argue with that.....
Merseymouth, Wallasey says...
8:34pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Oi you lot, learn to recognise sarcasm when it is written.I still don't blame the editor though, he has masters and has to obey as well.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
8:46pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I thought of a word strong enough..."Sadistic". Is that libellous ? Nah....security word: keep-word. Greetings Big Brother....
standards, says...
9:25pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Who authorised the £45,000 of council tax money for Martin to leave and keep quiet? Are they still in post?
MX, Wirral says...
9:33pm Thu 21 Jan 10
A message to Merseymouth (MM - it couldn't be could it?)- " Sarcasm: the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded".No that wasn't a Wirral Council spokesperson it was my old friend Fyodor Dostoeyevsky.I believe he wrote a book called Crime & Punishment!
lordthomas, birkenhead says...
9:41pm Thu 21 Jan 10
I said a guy called bill, would be reading this, no doubt this is the reason for items to be removed.ho ho security codeNICE-FEAR
piggymalone, wirral says...
10:44pm Thu 21 Jan 10
MX....MM, just a co-incidence, I know both.
Anyone got decent contacts with the national press?
Anyone know why the PM service is not working. Can MI5 hack into PM`s
Veridici, Wirral says...
10:51pm Thu 21 Jan 10
Standards, yes, the individuals who authorised the £45K payment are all still in their very, very senior posts.
piggymalone, wirral says...
12:16am Fri 22 Jan 10
Already this thread has turned into one of the most fascinating, informative debates ever on this site, certainly as long as I have been contributing. Equally the SAR debacle evoked anger from the residents of Wirral and even some ex pats. People power won the SAR battle and now I would urge everyone to join this battle which if won could end up winning the war. Yes, I use the words battle and war because it is probably the only way we can get justice and get rid of the R-soles dictating our lives
hugo2008, Wirral says...
11:40am Fri 22 Jan 10
Hey folks, I would like to comment on the fact that thanks to Leigh Marles, we have all been able to make comment on this terrible blight to the integrity of Wirral people. This is not just a scandal for Wirral Council and a number of the high ups within the DASS organisation, but its a National Disgrace in the abuse of power and authority that some individuals are able to carry out with what seems like impunity.
We need a completely different system of how Local Government is formed, controlled, and managed, and above all staffed, certainly at high level. Elections are looming soon, please make your vote count whatever your Political Belief on both a National level and I believe more importantly on a local level.
If you believe that your present Local representative, has not in fact carried out your wishes, then do not vote for them, if you think they are acting under Party Political pressure, then do not vote for that party.
Clear out the deadwood and parasites, we don't get many chances, use this one.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
3:10pm Fri 22 Jan 10
At this morning’s executive board the ruling Liberal Democrat group announced they would make significant savings from areas like performance related pay for officers and cutting “bureaucracy”."
No excuse for Wirral Council NOT to follow suit. A couple of sackings for gross misconduct would save tens of thousands too
Just a thought :)
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
6:31pm Fri 22 Jan 10
The thing that angers me more than anything is the way the guilty senior officers - the people who clearly broke the law - have treated vulnerable people with contempt. They have picked their pockets in the first place, making them even more vulnerable, been found out and then attempted to cover it all up. The crime was compounded when they took to victimising Martin Morton who was brave enough to tell the Wirral Globe. It's also the severe breach of trust that they've committed on Wirral residents. We placed our faith in these senior officers to do a good, honest job, whilst spending our money wisely. I feel like I've been burgled, but the difference is a burglar enters our home and leaves with the spoils, without ever pretending that he's trustworthy. There is usually an honour amongst thieves, but there's no honour here, absolutely none. Just greed, lies, bullying and cowardice.
MX, Wirral says...
7:00pm Fri 22 Jan 10
Cowardice is right Paul.How easy to pick on a lone member of staff and it seems it involved most if not all of Adult Social Services senior management were involved.Then to compound the matter Councillors go and join in to the extent of exonerating one Social Services Manager and asking Bill Norman to send a letter to another one.Telling them what exactly? : "Congratulations on the cover-up but be careful with those emails".Councillors Davies,Teggin and Clarke have a lot to answer for.
As Paul said :cowardice.
Veridici, Wirral says...
7:58pm Fri 22 Jan 10
As I understand it the report by the 'independent investigator' did not clear Noone or Fowler
If the information I received is correct the recommendation was that they be dismissed
Cllrs Davies,Teggin and Clarke must explain how they turned that recommendation on its head.
Wirral Integrity, Wirral says...
9:51pm Fri 22 Jan 10
Veridici wrote:As I understand it the report by the 'independent investigator' did not clear Noone or Fowler. ... If the information I received is correct the recommendation was that they be dismissed. ... Cllrs Davies,Teggin and Clarke must explain how they turned that recommendation on its head.
Utterly, utterly disgusting. The more this sorry saga unfolds, the more appalled I am at the behaviour of those charged with the welfare of the Boroughs most vulnerable people. The fact that these two individuals could enjoy a 9 month suspension on full pay (on AD salary, this would be approximately £75,000 - An AD ANNUAL salary is approx. £100,000) and then return to their post as if nothing happened, is one of the most shocking travesties, I have ever heard. Now, because DASS deliberately underestimated their liability in respect of the overcharging, the reimbursement must be funded from other Council Departments. If the Elected members and Chief Executive had one single solitary ounce of moral fiber, they would delete these two miscreants posts and use the savings to cover the reimbursement. God knows, DASS seem to have enough Assistant Directors to spare. Instead, low-level workers who have no idea of what has been happening in DASS and who do a good job on behalf of Wirral residents will be given their P45's, just to keep these two morally bankrupt, diseased, creatures on their six-figure salaries.I hope you two are reading this and I hope that your actions come back to haunt you in the darkest hour of the night.
Rest assured, we are NOT going to forget this, this is NOT going to go away. To all those reading this, who have been shocked by this and yet are still apathetic, consider this, the two DASS Assistant Directors probably read these comments regularly and probably share a giggle or two about our vitriol, safe in the knowledge that they've been let off the hook.
What goes around, comes around.
MX, Wirral says...
10:23pm Fri 22 Jan 10
Conspiracy theorists oif the world unite.Why (suddenly,all of a sudden) have my last 5 p[osts disappeared?
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
10:43pm Fri 22 Jan 10
If this forthcoming bullying investigation is carried out honestly and above board, certain individuals should end up impaled back onto their hooks. From where I'm sitting, there's an admission of guilt and a plethora of evidence stacking up against the miscreants. In an ideal world, if Martin carefully and methodically submits every piece of damning information, it should follow on that the finger of blame picks out those responsible. The victimisation had its origins in Westminster House - and there should be a clear-out. That said, we're talking about an employer which has pulled all sorts of strokes to twist and distort the facts, and shrug off the blame. Don't be too surprised if they try to finesse their way out of it using empty words, leading to nowhere. They'll be wanting to shift some of the blame onto Martin - so watch out for the introduction of 'workplace dynamics', 'clash of personalities', 'egos', all nice little convenient lables with which to muddy the water and explain away 'bullying'.
The Chartered Institute of Personal Development (HR's professional body) is big on bullying at the moment (laughable, I know) and has done so-called research which finds that 'clash of personalities' is the biggest cause of workplace conflict. Well it would wouldn't it? But this kind of deliberate and targetted victimisation, accompanied by long, drawn out admission of guilt on the overcharging, can't be explained away so readily.
piggymalone, wirral says...
12:45am Sat 23 Jan 10
To be fair to the Globe (and a number of us have questioned the removal of certain posts) can I re-direct you to Veridicis site where Justin (News Editor)has written an explanation of the removal of some postshttp://blowingthewhistleonareallyrottenborou.blogspot.com/2010/01/comments-on-above-story-published-in_20.html#comments
hugo2008, Wirral says...
10:04am Sat 23 Jan 10
Note the date when this was submitted, yet still no action not even a word, I wonder why.
hugo2008, Wirral says... 3:14pm Sun 27 Sep 09
Where is our local MP Stephen Hesford, with his legal training he should get his teeth into this scandal, and sort out the corruption whithin WBC.After all come election time he may need to get back into legal practice, and with his contacts in the PCT he could have some inside information.
MX, Wirral says...
10:26am Sat 23 Jan 10
I was wrong about my deleted posts.Obviously a problem this end.And I agree with Justin,the Globe and everyone need to be careful about the postings.I think feelings are running high (and rightly so) because truth and justice appear to be alien concepts in this case.There are obviously many people out there who know the full story.It must be so frustrating for them to witness how the Council has managed to contain this for so long.Information is clearly being kept from us,what's in the public domain is scary enough.Can you imagine what's going on behind closed doors?.BTW I understand that both Stephen Hesford (and according to an earlier post Frank Field) know about this case.We're not in Purdah yet are we?.I was wrong about my deleted posts.Obviously a problem this end. And I agree with Justin,the Globe and everyone need to be careful about the postings. I think feelings are running high (and rightly so) because truth and justice appear to be alien concepts in this case.There are obviously many people out there who know the full story.It must be so frustrating for them to witness how the Council has managed to contain this for so long. Information is clearly being kept from us,what's in the public domain is scary enough.Can you imagine what's going on behind closed doors?. BTW I understand that both Stephen Hesford (and according to an earlier post Frank Field) know about this case. We're not in Purdah yet are we?.
piggymalone, wirral says...
11:28am Sat 23 Jan 10
If there are any local MP`s or councillors who are unaware of this case then they shouldnt be MP`s or councillors and in any case the chances of the not knowing are zero. So then, that begs the question "why has not one of them commented or seen to be doing something about this case?"I can probably understand Lib/Labs as it has been their ruling group that is implicated but I cannot understand the tories, is it because they do not want to make political gain over this case, I doubt that, so where are theyIf there are any local MP`s or councillors who are unaware of this case then they shouldnt be MP`s or councillors and in any case the chances of the not knowing are zero. So then, that begs the question "why has not one of them commented or seen to be doing something about this case?" I can probably understand Lib/Labs as it has been their ruling group that is implicated but I cannot understand the tories, is it because they do not want to make political gain over this case, I doubt that, so where are they
PaulCa, Wallasey says... 1
2:12pm Sat 23 Jan 10
MPs have had a difficult time recently. Those who intend to stand next time, being self-interested types, will be busy with election campaigns. Currently, with this issue still to play out, expect silence from Labour / Lib Dem, and eventual damage limitation. But with the tories, I think they'll sit on the fence for a bit longer before jumping and using it in their campaigns. Maybe public pressure could embarrass them and push them off early, or just help to keep the pressure on as the investigation into the bullying of Martin gets underway. All of which begs the question, with unlawful behaviour admitted, has anybody checked the expenses claims of the senior officers involved?MPs have had a difficult time recently. Those who intend to stand next time, being self-interested types, will be busy with election campaigns. Currently, with this issue still to play out, expect silence from Labour / Lib Dem, and eventual damage limitation. But with the tories, I think they'll sit on the fence for a bit longer before jumping and using it in their campaigns. Maybe public pressure could embarrass them and push them off early, or just help to keep the pressure on as the investigation into the bullying of Martin gets underway. All of which begs the question, with unlawful behaviour admitted, has anybody checked the expenses claims of the senior officers involved?
Wirral Integrity, Wirral says...
1:12pm Sat 23 Jan 10
I am rather bemused at the ostensibly abritrary deletion of comments. As an example, I posted details of senior officer salary levels - This information is freely available - The following link is from the taxpayers alliance website showing the CEx and Director salary grades http://tpa.typepad.com/home/files/council_spending_uncovered_4_town_hall_rich_list_2008.pdf All other council officer grades are publicly accessible through a FOIA request. I note from the excellent website www.areallyrottenborough.blogspot.com that the Globe Editor has stated that some user-posted comments have been the subject of complaints. I would imagine that these complaints have emanated from those very individuals implicated in this matter - I find it obscene that these individuals are demanding the same civil and legal rights that they were unwilling to afford to the victims of the overcharging.
MX, Wirral says...
1:15pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Print the complaints
Wirral Integrity, Wirral says...
1:20pm Sat 23 Jan 10
If the Globe are unwilling to print the complaints, then perhaps they could be requested as part of an FOIA request (suitably redacted to comply with the DPA of course, we would hate to infringe on the civil liberties of senior council officers.......)
TheLooseCannon, Wirral says...
4:10pm Sat 23 Jan 10
I have been appalled by the words, attitudes, and actions of every single Labour or LibDem Councillor who sat on those Committees.....I actually 'hi-jacked' one of the ARMC meetings to contradict false information that was being given to the Committee by Maura Noone
As I have previously stated on this board, I provided information of the financial abuse of vulnerable adults to, among others, Pat Williams, Simon Holbrook, Stu Kelly, Paula Southwood, Moira McLaughlan, John Salter, Steve Foulkes, and Simon Mountney
Guess how many of them wanted more information on my allegations, and took up the cudgel?
ONE! And that one was Simon Mountney, and I have to say that he has done so at great personal cost in terms of time, energy, and headaches from banging his head against the Council's brick wall for two years.
At the meetings I mentioned earlier I witnessed Simon Mountney trying desperately to get the Labour/LibDem councillors to act with even a modicum of common decency, but the meetings were chaired by a LibDem, Paula Southwood, who consistenly helped the ruling group to ride rough-shod over anything the Tories asked for.
I was present when Martin Morton made his impassioned statement regarding the treatment he had received at the hands of Council Officers
Jeff Green then demanded a full, external, public inquiry, or a police investigation. Simon Holbrook rejected both, and called for an inquiry into the bullying allegations - an inquiry which has yet to begin four months later!
I am not particularly a political animal, and I have said all along that this should not be a political issue, but it has been made one by the ruling parties. Please reserve your wrath for those who are unable or unwilling to vote with their conscience because of the party Whips. The political system we have at the moment will not allow anyone to break ranks without sanction
The system has to change before anything else will.
piggymalone, wirral says...
6:16pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Couldnt agree more with Loose Cannon. The political system as described is undemocratic and corrupt but the only way we, the public, can do anything about the system is to use our votes to effectively get rid of party politics. I have for a long time argued the point that at least independent candidates are free to vote with their consciences (and hopefully with the majority of the electorates wishes) without being told what to do by party whips. I would urge every voter to very seriously consider the consequences of voting for a political party. This is not the only case in Wirral Councils recent history that has highlighted the corruption within.Couldnt agree more with Loose Cannon. The political system as described is undemocratic and corrupt but the only way we, the public, can do anything about the system is to use our votes to effectively get rid of party politics. I have for a long time argued the point that at least independent candidates are free to vote with their consciences (and hopefully with the majority of the electorates wishes) without being told what to do by party whips. I would urge every voter to very seriously consider the consequences of voting for a political party. This is not the only case in Wirral Councils recent history that has highlighted the corruption within.
Jeff Green, says...
7:34pm Sat 23 Jan 10
I continue to have documents I have requested from senior Council Officers regarding this case denied to me.Please be assured that we are determined to get to the bottom of what I believe to be a most shameful case. We have called for a full and independent inquiry and and if we take control of the Council in May that is what we will have.
Cllr Chris Blakeley, Moreton says...
7:50pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Can't be any clearer than that!
piggymalone, wirral says...
8:15pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Jeff, you may get some of the documents you require direct from Martin Morton and any more incriminating ones have probably shredded by now. Thanks to you and Chris for commenting.
piggymalone, wirral says...
8:40pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Jeff, just another point. If you did take overall control of the council next May and certain parties are castigated by an independent enqiury, would you then be in a position to fire the implicated officers (and indeed would you) and then what action could be taken against councillors who were proved to be complicant in the affair.
hugo2008, Wirral says...
9:02pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Jeff Green and Chris Blakeley, Put a statement in the party manifest for the next election that a complete enquiry into the Martin Morton issue will be made. The findings will be made fully public with no Exceptions. And if any guilty parties inside Council or outside Council are found they will be suitably dealt with or punished.This is not a witch hunt, its Justice.Do this and you will be garanteed to control Council on behalf of the vast majority of Wirral Population.
Veridici, Wirral says...
9:11pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Those are very pertinent questions, piggymalone, and I eagerly await Jeff's answer, too..I also have a question for Jeff; if the Conservatives do take control of the Council will they overturn Bill Norman's perverse ruling that one set of vulnerable people cannot be assessed retrospectively, and another set can be, thus ensuring that the sixteen abused or their estates will receive FULL reimbursement.
Whilst I largely agree with your stated aims of independent Councillors and MPs, piggymalone, voting for one may be counter-productive in this case, in view of Jeff's statement.
However, we shouldn't have to consider voting along political lines simply to ensure we get a genuinely independent inqiry, should we?
hugo2008, Wirral says...
10:04pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Deafening Silence has been obvious from Local Councillors, and Wirral Mps.Yet some Councillors are very willing to change the topic of conversation or debate when asked about the Martin Morton incident of Whistle Blowing.As far as the MPs on Wirral are concerned two down and two to go, we could be getting closer to a better system for accountability, Hope So.
Ivorromaleyn, New Brighton says...
10:35pm Sat 23 Jan 10
I agree with Loose Cannon. While party political whips control our elected representatives our (democracy) is suspect. I am a new comer to this area and am free of any loyalty to any of the parties involved. Today we have the example of the suppression of the report on child abuse by children suppressed by the Doncaster Council. Then look at Torbay where Council employees are subject to up to 20% pay cuts. The only people exempt are of course the Council executives.There is something very wrong with this democracy. I suggest NEVER EVER voting for a candidate subject to Party whip control. THEN the politicians will listen.To be fair, it is not all the politicians fault.I am now nearly eighty and have watched a nation battered by war vote for decency and a welfare state. THEN we got spoilt and refused to vote for honest candidates who told us hard truth. I remember Churchill promising blood sweat and tears and we backed him. Our children vote for the candidates who lie in order to tell us what we want to hear. (Sorry it’s called Spin now) even lies have been adjusted to be palatable. Don’t vote for party politicians even if that is in some cases unfair. We need a new kind of politics and you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.AFTER the election we will learn facts that have been suppressed and they will be selectively fed to us by the victorious party. Clean up politics and refuse to vote in an undemocratic election fiddle. Vote Independent and WATCH him or HER.
glenn, moreton, says...
10:55pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Wise words Ivor - someone who has actually seen it all before. We need more like you who have the voice of experience from years of seeing politicians come and go.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
11:06pm Sat 23 Jan 10
86 comments now. "Former Council Leader Begins 5 Year Term in Walton" wouldn't get that much interest.
ghawkins, wirral says...
11:27pm Sat 23 Jan 10
If Doncaster Social Services can be effectively taken over and run via Central Government for its mishaps and incompetence, then something needs to happen here. I would also like to remind people of the murder of Stephen Croft two years ago. The boy who did it was supposed to be in the care of Wirral Social Services - Steve Maddox promised that an serious case review would take place ... have we ever heard anything more?Questions need answering, and I would take this to Minister for Local Government/Communities, as afterall this is a Labour council, whilst I think the national press might be interested; given the current climate.
ghawkins, wirral says...
11:37pm Sat 23 Jan 10
Ah hang on, I think I've found the story"Assessments of Smith and his family were poor and not even kept in a file. Opportunities to assess risk were missed because Wirral Youth Offending Service knew nothing about a string of offences he committed while housed in Huddersfield. Despite a history of neglect, contact with Smith's family was increased in Wirral during summer and autumn 2007 - leading to an increase in aggression.Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1089570/Boy-13-beat-man-death-threw-bonfire-catalogue-care-failings.html#ixzz0dTvdzswt
torswood, prenton says...
6:39am Sun 24 Jan 10
Clearly we all owe Mr Morton a great debt of gratitude.The exposure of institutional "corruption" does not bode well for the other council services or the powers that are who operate them.
hugo2008, Wirral says...
9:35am Sun 24 Jan 10
Mr Marles, Just out of interest what has been the longest running or most contributed too theme that this excellent facilitiy has been subject too.
This one seems to be headed towards the 100 mark, fair indication of how people feel I would guess.
MX, Wirral says...
9:35am Sun 24 Jan 10
Much respect to Ivor.The local council is a microcosm of the national one. Smoke (screen) and mirrors in a cesspit of spin is their MO.
It's gratifying to see so many people engaged in this debate,standing up,speaking out and saying "ENOUGH!" . We owe it to Ivor and his generation.
There was a time (I can dimly remember) where there were standards in public life and people did the "honourable thing" or indeed "the right thing" as it's been termed.
No more it would seem. I have seen the future!, tinpot Alastair Campbells running the show.
My.my it's Machiavelli made flesh.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
10:19am Sun 24 Jan 10
But to call it Machiavellian is to imply we're dealing with a sophisticated level of intelligence. This bullying investigation may prove how bungling and incompetent they have been - one way or the other.
But to call it Machiavellian is to imply we're dealing with a sophisticated level of intelligence. This bullying investigation may prove how bungling and incompetent they have been - one way or the other.
JD1986, says...
5:21pm Sun 24 Jan 10
Martin for PM!
lordthomas, birkenhead says...
11:49pm Sun 24 Jan 10
To use a now well known comment used by all parties in westminsterWIRRAL COUNCIL "IS NOT FIT FOR PORPOSE"
Who chooses the security codes this one "ROOF- FULL lol
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
11:56pm Sun 24 Jan 10
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
10:10am Mon 25 Jan 10
hugo2008 wrote:Mr Marles, Just out of interest what has been the longest running or most contributed too theme that this excellent facilitiy has been subject too.This one seems to be headed towards the 100 mark, fair indication of how people feel I would guess.Cheers to Leigh Marles and the Globe.I fully expect this comment to be deleted but will post it anyway. Perhaps someone will see it for a few minutes and be aware of what is going on here if they are not already.
Hugo the number of comments actually passed 100 days ago. Certain so-called "libellous" posts where deleted and this section continue to be censored.
I am disgusted at the globe's complicity in suppression of information freely available to the public. If only they knew where to look - or if only someone was allowed to tell them.
Pass Leigh Marles and his team another flamethrower the one used here must be almost out of fuel by now.
Evidently the truth will not out - not here. The bookburning is well and truly under way. ...
Shame on you wirral globe.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
11:15am Mon 25 Jan 10
I'm actually quite surprised that the story has been given this much publicity. Often in these situations, when pressured, a local rag will back down and withdraw to its primary role as an 'ad-sheet'. The editor and his staff should be congratulated, because ultimately if someone moves against them by withdrawing advertising revenue, careers can be damaged and jobs lost. The worlds of business and local democracy are intertwined. Editorial independence can suffer as a result. Debate and transparency is a threat to the villains at the centre of this affair. Having integrity and standards, and giving the local public an opportunity to voice their opinions will make you a target, as sure as night follows day. Martin Morton knows this better than anyone.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
11:27am Mon 25 Jan 10
PaulCa - yup you're right. Freedom of The Press is another thing that has become a contradiction in terms.
The abuse of countless vulnerable people (and children) by authorities well paid to care for and protect them actually matters very little in the grand scheme of things.
The money wins out every time. Live and learn eh.
Leigh Marles, says...
3:58pm Mon 25 Jan 10
What's "going on here" Spiffy, is that without the Globe breaking this story in the first place and following up its many twists and turns since, you wouldn't have had a clue about it.The stories and Martin's personal article remain untouched - it's libellous comments that I delete, as I'm legally responsible for this website.Sorry and all that.
hugo2008, Wirral says...
6:36pm Mon 25 Jan 10
Fair comment Leigh, most of us do have respect for the Globe, and You are quite right to defend your position in this all to often litigious world we live in.Feelings do run high when mere mortals like us see the rich and influential get away with absolute murder, if its any consolation the other free paper on Wirral, are very afraid of allowing the rank and file from expressing views so readily as the Globe.Keep up the good work, even if I do not always agree with the Globe, I do have an opportunity to say so.Spiffy, do the right thing as MX Wirral suggests and apologise, Leigh Marles may just have saved your bacon.
MX, Wirral says...
7:02pm Mon 25 Jan 10
How appropriate that The Globe editor should have the 100th post!.He's absolutely right about the Globe,we wouldn't have known any of it,let alone the half of it.I think some of the controversial comments/revelations are borne of frustration rather than malice. I'm certain I didn't ask Spiffy to apologise though (apologies if I did!).It's clear that a lot of people know the real story and it's a now a case of making the connections. Surely there can be no hiding place as this scandal continues to unravel.Picking up on what Leigh Marles has written I anticipate plenty more "twists and turns" in this saga.Fasten your seat belts.
piggymalone, wirral says...
7:48pm Mon 25 Jan 10
I very much respect Spiffys contributions to this site and would hate this saga to get out of hand and cause the loss of a valuable contributor.
Leigh and Justin are very approachable guys and it may be that if Spiffy had an off the record conversation with them they may be able to understand her point of view and indeed visa versa. MX is undoubtedly right that the removed comments (including some of mine) and indeed borne out of frustration caused by....well you know who
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
8:04pm Mon 25 Jan 10
Fairplay Leigh I've been a brat. I will apologise - without prompting - for the entire post that suggests the globe and its named team is complicit in suppressing information. On reflection "complicit" really is not the appropriate word and was unfair. Please, feel free to delete the entire post.
It was borne of irrititation at the random deleting of comments in the name of "libel" where none was immediately evident and query did not merit a detailed response.
It was also borne of a well deserved contempt and disgust of this council and previous documented abuses of the vulnerable. No names mentioned this time.
I do still query why the merest mention of a name - even in the absence of any allegation - would warrant deletion on libel grounds but concede that your liability for such is greater than mine under the circumstances.
I also suspect that for you to explain in any further detail may in itself prove libellous. What a tangled web these politicians weave and we are both caught in it albeit on different levels..
I will try to behave in future.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
9:51am Tue 26 Jan 10
Here's a statement from Wirral Council's recent People Stategy: "The People Strategy enables us to drive improvements through people which will enable us to deliver strategic objectives locally and ensure that we embrace key national agenda and deliver on these priorities and targets. With a clear strategy in place it will be easier to focus resources on those people management interventions that will really make a difference to performance within the Council. This will also help to improve the consistency of people management practices and ensure that all people management activities complement each other."
They've admitted to breaking the law. We know we're dealing with crooks and I'm assuming that a good example of 'people management intervention' would be the issuing of threatening edicts to staff, telling them not to approach the press.... or else.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
10:04am Tue 26 Jan 10
And further down....."the People Strategy fosters effective team building through involving others and works towards creating a no-blame environment......."security code "pain-over"
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
11:06am Tue 26 Jan 10
PaulCa wrote:And further down....."the People Strategy fosters effective team building through involving others and works towards creating a no-blame environment......."security code "pain-over"
I see, if one is not to blame then no one is to blame. A covering of one's collective a*ses, so to speak....You couldn't make it up.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
11:32am Tue 26 Jan 10
Spot on Spiffy. No blame, no pain. The only a*se not covered was Martin's.
MX, Wirral says...
1:13pm Tue 26 Jan 10
All I can read PaulCa is blah,blah,blah.Strategies - tick,Policies - tick, Procedures -tick.People Strategy! - you couldn't make it up .They don't want thinking,feeling people they want automatons where you press a button for the required answer.
PaulCa, Wallasey says...
1:29pm Tue 26 Jan 10
MX - The "People Strategy" is an avalanche of two-word soundbites. I know it's fashionable to cower behind jargon, but Wirral appear to rely on a brimming bucket of verbal diarrhoea:
If you wrote all these down on pieces of paper, gathered them up and threw them like confetti, it wouldn't matter where they landed. You would still end up with an 'effective' PEOPLE STRATEGY.
© copyright the Authors. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Monday, 18 January 2010
Learning disabled people faced excessive residential fees
Wirral Council is to pay a group of learning disabled people more than £241,000 after overcharging them for several years for residential services, vindicating the complaints of a whistleblower in 2008.
The service users may have to claim back their overpayment from Wirral in order to protect their benefits entitlement, said a report to the council's cabinet last week.
Between July 2000 and April 2003 residents in three residential settings were subject to charges that were not in line with the council's fees policy. After the government's fairer charging guidance was introduced in April 2003, the charges became unlawful but Wirral did not change its policy until February 2006.
Of the 16 people affected, three have since died and five have moved out of the premises concerned. Service users are being advised to approach advocacy services to help them make a decision on their claim.
A spokesperson said: "It would be highly inappropriate for Wirral Council to advise the people concerned in this matter whether they should pursue a claim.
"The information that people need to help them make a choice will be offered in targeted formats and delivered in whatever way is appropriate to an individual's needs."
It is not clear where the money will come from; £68,000 had been set aside to cover the repayment but more than £173,000 will have to be found from other council budgets because the adults' services department is unable to meet the one-off cost.
In 2008, council employee Martin Morton blew the whistle by informing managers of the overcharging. He was later forced to leave the council.
The council has apologised to Morton unreservedly, although no misconduct was found by the investigation into his complaint.
© copyright Council Care. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Friday, 15 January 2010
Wirral Council agrees to pay £244,000 back to vulnerable adults it overcharged for years, vindicating a 'whistleblower'
Wirral Globe by Justin Dunn »
Wirral Council finally admitted owing a quarter of a million pounds to vulnerable adults last night.
In what council leader Steve Foulkes described as "not our finest episode", the authority systematically overcharged at least sixteen people for years on end.
The overcharging only came to light when a whistleblower repeatedly tried to highlight them with his bosses at Adult Social Services.
The whistleblower, Martin Morton, was eventually paid £45,000 to leave the service and keep quiet. Instead, in November 2008, he approached the Globe and we helped him tell his story.
The result was last night's meeting of the council's ruling cabinet committee, where it was agreed to repay almost a quarter of a million pounds to the sixteen adults who had been overcharged.
Mr Morton maintains the amount is nearer to £500,000 and involves more than just sixteen people.
As the cabinet prepared to approve the process of allowing people to reclaim the money, council leader Steve Foulkes declared: "This was clearly not our finest episode."
He said it was "regrettable" that anybody may have been "damaged" by the long-running saga and added: "I offer my personal apologies to those involved."
The committee read from a report that told how elderly and vulnerable people living in homes at Bermuda Road, Curlew Way and Edgehill Road, all in Moreton, were systematically overcharged by Adult Social Services for seven years.
Mr Morton had raised his concerns several times with his managers, but claims he was ignored, bullied and driven out of his job.
Days after our exclusive report in November 2008, two senior officers were suspended but, after disciplinary hearings, were later reinstated.
The stress of blowing the whistle drove Mr Martin to the verge of a nervous breakdown and he was subsequently hospitalised.
He was given a £45,000 pay-off from the council to leave his job in social services.
An internal audit to examine Mr Martin's claims was eventually ordered and reported its findings in September of last year.
It ruled that people living in the three homes under a so-called "special charging policy" had been overcharged and that the policy was unlawful.
The town hall has set aside £68,000 to repay the residents - but the total sum needed is £244,000.
The report to last night's meeting made it clear the authority is not going to just hand over a cheque for the money it owes.
Instead, the council's director of law, Bill Norman, recommended that officers write to individuals "advising" them to make a claim against the authority.
He said residents on means-tested benefits may encounter unexpected difficulties if they suddenly come into a substantial sum of money.
He wrote in the report: "There is the potential impact upon each affected individual’s current financial position.
"The impact of the reimbursement of a significant sum of money, when combined with any capital resources an individual may already have, may have wider implications that may not be initially appreciated by those in receipt of means-tested benefits.
"The regulations for such benefits are framed in such a way as to preclude individuals or those acting on their behalf from taking such actions, in any way, which may be regarded as an evasion of benefit regulations."
Mr Norman recommended that individuals will need to be notified that they may have a claim against the council in respect of the "deemed overpayment".
"They will need to consider their positions, and if they believe they have a legitimate entitlement, make a claim for reimbursement against the council.
"It would be advisable, and indeed highly desirable, that each individual be given access to independent advice in formulating such a view and potential claim."
He suggested the council should steer tenants with a potential claim towards the Wirral Advocacy Service, a charity which offers free legal advice.
Officers will now write to individuals and their carers and advocates informing them of this, and inviting them to seek appropriate advice "so as to ensure they make an informed decision if they choose to submit a claim".
Cllr Foulkes said the affair had proved that anyone within the council with a complaint - "or a whistleblower, as the term has been used in this case" - would have their grievances properly investigated and acted upon.
Martin Morton's blistering response to that will appear in his own words in next week's print edition of the Globe, and later online.
© copyright Wirral Globe. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Comments on the above story, published in Wirral Globe
12:00pm Fri 15 Jan 10
"Clearly, not our finest hour" and it still isnt, forcing these people into having to "claim" the money back. Why didnt you and your fellow councillors over rule Norman and just graciuosly pay the money back without the trauma of having to approach you......the public know what you are up to....hoping that some of them will not be bothered....shameful
kmka, prenton says...
12:20pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Just when you thought that this council couldn't stoop any lower, along comes this. Not satisied with trying to sell off libraries, swimming pools and schools, we now find that they have been knowingly ripping off vulnerable adults. What next? Stealing sweets from children? Selling lead from church rooves?It's about time all members of this council did the decent thing and resign.
Natasha Eubank, Oxton says...
12:22pm Fri 15 Jan 10
There are a series of questions that need to be asked:
The Council, through its records, will be aware of the individuals that this overcharging has affected - Why then are the victims required to make a 'claim'?
The Council claims that the reimbursement of this money would negatively affect the victims entitlement to state benefit - What representations has the Council made to the DWP, to advise them that this situation has resulted out of the Councils inability to provide appropriate care and support for vulnerable people and therefore the victims of this overcharging should not be unfairly penalised for the Councils ineptitude?
Finally, Councillor Foulkes has stated that this 'affair had proved that anyone within the council with a complaint - "or a whistleblower, as the term has been used in this case" - would have their grievances properly investigated and acted upon'. I assure you that there are very few people working for the Council who hold any faith whatsoever in the Wirrals Whistleblowing Policy after the treatment meted out to Mr. Morton. This man endured bullying from Directors and Assistant Directors of Adult Social Services and Elected Members as a result of his disclosure. Furthermore, it took 9 YEARS(!) before this matter finally received the attention it deserved and even then, has been subsequently minimised and distorted by senior officers and members, so yes Councillor Foulkes, the Whistleblowing system in Wirral Council is a real shining beacon of Equity and Transparency isn't it?
If anyone in the Council had any faith in the Whistleblowing policy, you would have been ripped seven ways from Sunday over WBC's inability to prevent financial abuse in one particular supported accommodation provider.
So, my final question is directed solely to Councillor Foulkes - How can you sleep at night?
Casey Jones 01, Wirral City says...
12:34pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Totally agree with your sentiments Natasha - another question would be, how many of these vulnerable service users have died in the meantime and what happens to the money that WBC has stolen from them? Morbid question, I know - but it may be too late to "reimburse" some of these victims and why should WBC benefit in those cases?
piggymalone, wirral says...
1:44pm Fri 15 Jan 10
As I understand it, Casey, 3 of the affected residents have subsequently passed away and presumably the reason no councillor has challenged Normans recommendation to force the people in question to have to apply to the council for the refund is in the hope that they do or cannot apply, cynical maybe but look at the continuing treatment of Martin Morton
Message to Leig or Justin;
How about running internet replies to this story alongside Mr Mortons reply next week to show the 100% public support for him. This will also show councillors the shear bad taste in the mouths of the electorate over this affair
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:01pm Fri 15 Jan 10
How about the Globe organising a petition against victims of this fraud having to claim back their own money and demanding it is repaid automatically using councils own accounts records to do so ?
How about the globe organising an interview with a senior SS officer and get the official position on any repayments to benefit recipients ? That would save every single claimant having to find out for themselves, some may not be capable of doing so without a great deal of assistance that they may feel either too proud or unable to ask for.
How about the Globe organising an online petition signed en masse selectively worded to precisely express the populations of Wirrals deep revulsion at the despicable treatment of Mr Morton and all the victims of fraud ?
How about Mr Morton himself and a mass gathering of supporters marching to the town hall and handing over these petitions directly to Foulkes himself - with local press present. ?
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:03pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Oh and since the amount owed is almost that which they are trying to scam off us all for hot dinners and butties we could all throw mouldy bread at him too :)
hugo2008, Wirral says...
2:06pm Fri 15 Jan 10
It goes without question that somebody in a high place needs to answer some important questions, What is Steve Maddox going to do with the people resposible for this outrageous treatment of those in the least possible circumstances to fend for themselves. And what is the attitude of our so highly paid MPs in Wirral to this complete missuse of authority by Concil Employees and Social Services.
I urge folk to remember all this when MPs come calling for your support. Likewise so called elected Councilors who have been fully aware of the circumstances for some considerable time.
Spiffy, Wallasey says...
2:16pm Fri 15 Jan 10
"I urge folk to remember all this when MPs come calling for your support. Likewise so called elected Councilors who have been fully aware of the circumstances for some considerable time."
Good point Hugo. I'd like to see the Globe investigating and printing a list of all the names of everyone involved at any point in this massive cover-up. No allegations just names.
If those persons then feel the need to explain their involvement then fair enough. I doubt many people would be happy to allow the electorate to speculate on it though. Truth will out.
hugo2008, Wirral says...
5:22pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Stephen Hesford, Can I ask you an open question, this set of incidents connected to Mr Morton and the whole whistle blowing episode, has some very important legal implications, what are you doing about it, you have legal training and must have an opinion, are you prepared to make a comment to your constituents.
I think people who elected you would expect some kind of reaction, just for the sake of fair play, and a bit of open honesty.
piggymalone, wirral says...
6:53pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Dont hold your breath Hugo, we would hate to lose you.
glenn, moreton, says...
8:11pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Absolutely disgraceful to rip-off vulnerable people who have entrusted their finances to the council in return for a service only for the council - in particular, that venerable man in the grey suit, bill norman- to arrogantly assert that the victims must APPLY to claim back the money which was ROBBED from them. Only in this country could such extortion at the highest level a la MPs expenses be excused from punishment - what a pathetic bunch of weak and sycophantic(to civil servants and mandarins) leaders we have. I won't bother to suggest the council leader to hang his head in shame because he has none. UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL
Jayo, Wallasey says...
8:43pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Like with the library fiasco are the government going to get involved in this ?
The actions of this council are criminal acts and are bringing the WBC into disrepute. They are doing this in our name and are shaming all of Wirral.
How must Wirral look to the rest of the world ?
This Norman character is a shyster what are his qualifications ?
TheLooseCannon, Wirral says...
8:51pm Fri 15 Jan 10
I accompanied Mr Morton to a surgery of Frank Field's before Christmas so I can state quite categorically that he is well aware of the situation. Obviously I am not in a position to give details of the discussion, suffice to say Mr Field gave some curious but illuminating answers on how modern politics works.
I accompanied Mr Morton to a surgery of Frank Field's before Christmas so I can state quite categorically that he is well aware of the situation. Obviously I am not in a position to give details of the discussion, suffice to say Mr Field gave some curious but illuminating answers on how modern politics works.
MX, Wirral says...
9:00pm Fri 15 Jan 10
Glenn,you've hit the nail on the head.
There has been a complete lack of leadership in this case.Why hasn't the Leader of the Council,the Health & Social Care Lead,the Chief Executive or local MP stepped in long before now to sort this appalling mess out?.
The failure to take decisive action invites speculation that this is to serve political and/or personal interests and this is the tip of a very dodgy iceberg.
statictom, Bromborough says...
11:39am Sat 16 Jan 10
Its nice to see so many comments raised on this matter. What these people need is good legal advice to take this council to the cleaners. Not only for the overpaid money to be returned, but also due compensation. This council are making it harder for these people to claim back what they are owed. Since a number of the people owed money are now no longer with us, their families should now fight for what was legally their loved ones cash. Anything to make this council cough up what they are duly obliged to do. As for the benefits system the council are trying to wriggle out of their moral responsibility to the people. Oh, sorry this council have no morals. If the people owed this money have problems getting it back then use the councils own system to seek justice, ie, tribunals and the ombudsman. Anything to shame this council.
MX, Wirral says...
7:23pm Sat 16 Jan 10
Apologies I've missed a previous post.
The Loose Cannon says that Frank Field knows about this?.
And he thinks this is OK?.................
Oh by the way I know that Stephen Hesford Knows about this too.However how would any one of sound mind entrust anything of any worth in the incapable hands of Mr.Hesford.
He seems to think that wearing a bobbly red scarf makes him a socialist.
Get this self-serving filth off the Wirral.NOW!
Helen A, bromborough says...
8:55pm Sat 16 Jan 10
I have been following this sorry saga since it broke and cannot believe that this Council continue to exploit these people the way they do. Surely the social services dept has a duty of care towards vulnerable people so why oh why isn't their director, John Webb, stepping in and doing the right thing? Has he no conscience, integrity or even a simple desire to do the right thing? Oh of course he hasn't as he is implicated throughout this shameful debacle isn't he? Surely him and his cronies are not fit to continue in such highly paid, responsible positions, and should be subjected to a vote of no confidence by those who pay their wages ie the taxpayers of Wirral. I'm fairly certain what the outcome would be and then we could dole them out some paltry benefits to live on and see how they fare? Seriously though, it's a disgrace that they are all still in post and someone in this Council needs to do something to remedy this situation now
MX, Wirral says...
9:37pm Sat 16 Jan 10
I think there was a vote of no confidence in John Webb and that's why Batman was drafted in as Deputy Director (you couldn't make it up).Well lets face it they'd already sorted out the Robbin' (geddit?).
But then Batman wrote that appalling report that was presented to Cabinet on Thursday.
He doesn't give a **** though does he?.No doubt it's part of his early retirement deal.
"OK Chrissy-baby ,we know it's wrong and you know absolutely nothing about this case but put your name on the bottom of the report and we'll see you right".
Italian Riviera in the spring with the missus is it Chris?. Shame on you.
You complain that Adult Social Services has a bullying culture but you don't do anything about it do you?.Of course not you're visualising sipping amaretto on the terrazza.
maninthestreet, upton says...
10:16pm Sat 16 Jan 10
Well done Wirral Globe for helping Mr Morton to expose this scandal. If Mr Morton thinks more people are involved then the matter needs to be properly investigated so that every single victim is fully reimbursed. The people of Wirral should demand a public enquiry to expose the thieving scumbags in WBC. Can't wait to hear what our elected representitives have to say on the matter.
piggymalone, wirral says...
10:46pm Sat 16 Jan 10
The lack of response from MP`s and councillors is appalling (believe me every one of them is aware of this case and indeed a number of them have been aware for many years). The lack of positive action (even the "independent" investigation into Mr Mortons treatment will turn into a scam) shows Wirral Council up for the dishonest bunch they are. The only real positive action the public can take is to get rid of this rubbish at the comming general and local elections althouh I suppose we could all make complaints to the Ombudsman......anyone believe that action would do any good?
© copyright the Authors. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting