My original question did not mention "illegal behaviour" which makes your response a little confusing.
However can I refer you to the
minutes of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
What is beyond dispute is that the individual responsible for the actual ‘Whistleblowing’ is a former employee of the AdultSocial Services Department who had been actively involved with the case in question. This individual had expressed concerns to management on a number of occasions regarding systems in operation within the Department and the handling of this case.
5.3.4. A compromise agreement that included a confidentiality clause was prepared and agreed by the Individual, the Adult SocialServices Department, Legal & Member Services and Human Resources. TheHead of Human Resources stated that this type of agreement, whilstnot being commonplace, has been utilised by the Council on a numberof occassions [sic] in certain circumstances where irrecoverable differences are in evidence
Could you also confirm that the "Whistleblower" was paid the £45K quoted in the Press. It is that sum, before or after tax deductions, which I referred to when I asked from which sector offunding the payments were where in my copy of theCouncil's Audited Accounts will I find the entry ?
Many thanks
Yours sincerely,
J Locker

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