From: The Loose Cannon
Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Justin Dunn
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: Copy Letter to DLA re DWP appointeeship
Dear Ms Eagle,
The following is a copy of a letter that has today been sent to the Disability Living Allowance in Blackpool.
As this affects your constituents as well as your Governmental department I'm sure you will wish to take this matter up at the highest level in order to prevent the further abuse of people with learning disabilities.
Customer Services Manager
Warbreck House
Warbreck Hill Road
Blackpool FY2 0ZG
12 March 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
Serious concerns about Appointees
I understand that recently Chris Winstanley, acting on behalf of Wirral Borough Council, applied for, and was granted, Appointeeship in respect of several adults with learning disabilities who reside at Bermuda Road, Curlew Way and Edgerhill Road, Moreton, Wirral.
I note that amongst the declarations made on the application form Ms Winstanley will have stated that she has discussed her appointment with other family members or next of kin and that they do not object to her appointment.
This is totally false. Family members and next of kin were NOT consulted prior to this action being taken and at least some of them most certainly DO object to her appointment. In fact, at least one of them wanted to apply to be an Appointee, but was told by the Council that they held Power of Attorney for her relative.
Seventeen adults with severe learning disabilities living at the above three properties were systematically abused financially by Wirral Council’s Department of Adult Social Services between 1997 and 2006, amounting to £500,000. Six have died, and four have moved out, leaving seven in residence.
Thanks only to the persistence of a Departmental whistleblower the Council has very reluctantly been forced to pay back some of the money that was taken unlawfully by them. However, it has consistently tried to cover up its actions, and minimise the reimbursements.
Most of the tenants do not have capacity; they cannot read or write and some are blind. Nevertheless the Department ignored the elected members’ instructions that advocates be appointed to explain everything to the tenants and next of kin and assist them to make their claims for reimbursement. Instead they simply sent letters directly to the tenants, telling them there had been ‘a mistake’ and if they wanted to claim reimbursement they should sign the form and return it in the attached envelope. However the following paragraph told them that IF they claimed the money to which they were entitled, it would affect their Benefits!
In granting the Department of Adult Social Services and Wirral Council Appointeeship over these tenants the Department of Work and Pensions has unwittingly handed the abusers total control of the tenants and their finances, effectively silencing the concerns of their relatives and next-of-kin.
I trust you will agree that because of the background to this case Wirral Council, and in particular the Department of Adult Social Services, are unfit to hold these Appointeeships. If next-of-kin are unwilling or unable to act as Appointees then they should be permitted to appoint a suitable alternative, such as a solicitor or vicar in their place in order to safeguard their relatives.
I would be grateful if you would investigate this thoroughly in order to protect the claimants. .
Reproduced by kind permission of The Loose Cannon
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