Comments posted on
A Really Rotten Borough prior to 3 October 2009 were not attached when their posts were moved to
Blowing the whistle. They can be found here, complete with links to the original post.
...............................Anonymous said... It's gonna be interesting to see them get out of this one. What's the betting it ends up as another internal review?
03 October 2009 06:41
Commissioining of independent investigation
Anonymous said...They're gonna need a big dock for this case when it hits the courts. i can just seem them all blaming each other. What a bunch of crooks.
03 October 2009 06:44
Misconduct in public office
Corrupt Camden Council said...You take your life in your own hands if you have standards and your conscience compels you to speak out against the corrupt and harmful practices by local councils and 'blow the whistle' on them. I know this from experience.
Certain people in my local council are involved in a vendetta against me and another resident simply because we 'dare to' challenge their mis-conduct.
28 September 2009 02:17
Wirral's Champion
Anonymous said...I posted this comment on the Daily Post page so I hope it's OK to also post it here.
I'm so pleased to hear this investigation is to take place.
However, had Councillor Simon Holbrook acted on the information contained in the pack of documents which I handed to him on Sunday 5 October 2008, the last 11 months would have been different.
Had Councillor Pat Williams acted on the information I gave her in January 2008, when I appealed to her for help, the last 20 months would have been very different.
I understand that at the Disciplinry Hearings last July Councillor Simon Mountney was asked why I chose to go to him.
The answer is obvious. He listened, said "that's terrible", and acted. They listened, said "that's terrible", then went away to see how they could bury it.
The Loose Cannon
25 September 2009 14:52
Wirral Council launches investigation into allegation of bullyingAnonymous said...How remarkable that the Director of DASS has suddenly decided to go on holiday immediately the Director of Law is ordered to investigate the bullying in his department.
Or is he under orders from Maddox?
With him out of the road perhaps people will gather the courage to speak out, and not before time.
29 September 2009 14:01
Wirral Council launches investigation into allegation of bullyingAnonymous said...
Well if either of them think that will save their skins they're wrong. Maddox may well want Webb out of the way during the investigation but they're both up to their ears in the sh*t.
29 September 2009 16:20
Wirral Council launches investigation into allegation of bullyingAnonymous said...
"There are no separate itemised details ... of Employees salaries or payments"??
What a load of cobblers. These are the people that are dealing with our money and they don't keep "separate itemised details" of what they're doing with it?
Fred Karno's Circus was more organised than this shower. The sooner real auditors get in there and find out what's going on the better for us poor council tax payers and service users.
24 September 2009 22:54
Whistleblowers....number and amounts paid, source of funds-THE SAGA CONTINUESAnonymous said...If that's the email that got "Employee A" suspended, then how in God's name has he got away with it? He clearly states the charges were "unfair" and "unfair" = "unreasonable" = "unlawful" and how underhand to want to take it to cabinet in down time to push it through on the QT.
I've had it on good authority that the ruling parties councillors did not equit themselves well and the chairwoman was very biassed and following the party line.
24 September 2009 18:58
The cover's blown ...Anonymous said...
Ever since I was able to I have voted Liberal and then Lib Dem but after seeing what's laughingly called democracy in action I know one thing for certain. One of them involved in last night's meeting will not be getting my vote or any other member of my families when they come up for re-election and we'll make damned sure everyone knows they don't give a toss for the people they represent. It was obvious only two people round that table wanted to find the truth. It's a pity I can't vote for either of them come May
24 September 2009 23:21
The cover's blown ...Anonymous said...
Cllr Holbrook could hardly conceal his contempt when he described how DASS had dismissed Mr Morton as a "weak witness". The Director should pay more heed to Sir Walter Scott's famous quote, "What a tangled webb we weave when first we practise to deceive".
25 September 2009 00:33
The cover's blown ...Anonymous said...I thought Cllr.Holbrook said DASS thought Mr.Morton was "not a good witness".Well I didn't see him surrounded by a bunch of acolytes and advisors,what's more if that was the case why did Internal Audit go to him for information that DASS were unable/unwilling to provide?.
Sounds like a deliberate and erroneous smear to me.
25 September 2009 23:24
The cover's blown ...Anonymous said...If these vulnerable people continued to pay £80 opposed to £18 how has this extra money been spent.
19 September 2009 20:46
Easy ReadAnonymous said...
What a good question. Does it show up in the accounts and if not where is it?
20 September 2009 13:37
Easy ReadAnonymous said...AS DASS had no knowledge the charges had been approved by Members why did they not investigate when the Whistleblower raised the question nine years ago? If the documentation exists today it existed then.
Why did they expend so much time and effort in trying to prove the Whistleblower wrong instead of doing the jobs there paid to do?
16 September 2009 09:21
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...
Why did they force him out of the job he was good at? Seemingly he was the only honest and honourable person in DASS and they tried to destroy him. Thank God they didn't succeed.
16 September 2009 10:05
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...Hang about, the report says theres no problem at Balls road because the whistleblower didn't mention it, that doesn;t mean theres no problem, THERE IS and ppl there need to get money back to.
16 September 2009 16:21
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...What a palava, DASS have obviously lost an excellent officer and thank god he did blow the whistle as it would still be carrying on now. DASS hierarchy should all be dismissed, never mind suspended and brought back! The whistle blower has already moved on and secured an excellent position in the housing support field; who needs DASS when they act like this; its disgraceful and they should make an example of them!!
16 September 2009 19:20
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...Contrary to anonymous 2's viewpoint, whistleblower is not the only honest or honourable person in DASS. I know many hard-working, dedicated, honourable people in DASS who are completely browbeaten by the current director and other senior managers who do his bidding without question. They are nothing but a bunch of bullies and anything but honest and honourable.
19 September 2009 21:42
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...I am very gratefull to the whistleblower for all he has done he needs a medal. He was and is the only honest person in this corrupt system He should never have lost his job
21 September 2009 21:43
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...In response to Anonymous 5, I would agree that the whistleblower is not the only honourable, hardworking and dedicated person ever to work for DASS. But how many have had the courage to make a stand for their principles and the protection of vulnerable people. I can only think of one person. The Wistleblower comes to mind!!
27 September 2009 16:18
Wirral Whistleblower vindicated!Anonymous said...
And so DASS's Revenue Budget is to be stretched even further thanks to its officers inefficiencies and errors? What penalties will be imposed on them?
Who are the losers? As always, the council tax payers and the vulnerable people of Wirral who aren't able to get services because DASS cocked up.
16 September 2009 09:32
How can you charge some people right up to the hilt and not charge others anything? Surely that can't be legal.
16 September 2009 12:34
How will members express their appreciation? Three rousing chears for the Whistleblower? I think not. It would stick in their throats.
How about giving him his job back and sacking the ones who covered this up for so long?
Or maybe a big fat cheque from the pocket of senior officers to compensate him for his appalling treatment at their hands?
A sterile note in the minutes will not do.
16 September 2009
They will have their little jokes ...Anonymous said...Yeah right enough, this whole thing stinks like a kipper factory.
16 September 2009 11:45
They will have their little jokes ...Anonymous said...Pass the sick bucket round
21 September 2009 07:10
They will have their little jokes ...Anonymous said...Kane Corrin??? Is this a sex-change, or personation? The whole thing smacks of panic on the part of WBC. Looks as if they just realised how stupid they made themselves look.
11 September 2009 19:09
Stop the clock!Anonymous said...It's somewhat embarrassing to see the Council twisting and turning, trying to get away from the uncomfortable facts.
10 September 2009 13:00
Whistleblowers....number and amounts paid, source of funds-LAST DAYAnonymous said..."Mr Norman has gone to work for another council on Merseyside."
This is Mr Bill Norman, as in Director of Law for Wirral, is it? The one that advises the Information Manager to avoid answer the vexed question about the whistleblower's pay-off? Curiouser and curiouser
21 September 2009 08:50
Council workers' £½m pay-offAnonymous said...I wonder where they got their legal advice because it doesn't make sense if you check this out
02 September 2009 18:0
Whistleblowers....number and amounts paid, source of funds-LATESTAnonymous said...Well that makes it pretty clear that there was something very badly wrong in the department for the whistleblower to be paid to keep schtum. Will they come clean about how many whistleblowers have been paid to keep quiet?
FFS this is our money there paying to cover things up. There better be some good answers at the meeting in September.
12 August 2009 16:52
Whistleblowers....number and amounts paid, source of fundsAnonymous said..."We are also committed to ensuring the issues raised are examined by Councillors in an open and transparent way."
Yeah, right. Was that a squadron of pigs just flew over?
01 August 2009 12:50
Audit and Risk Management CommitteeAnonymous said...We can only hope all the truth comes out at this meeting and we implore everyone who has taken an interest in this case to attend........
11 August 2009 21:05
Audit and Risk Management CommitteeAnonymous said...Is it not interesting that a criminal case is being heard, by councillors, in a committee room and not in the High Court? The High Court is usualy where cases of theft, fraud, false accounting,intimidation and blackmail are heard. Am I missing something hear?.....Oh! sorry, I forgot, powerless vulnerable people don't matter........silly me. GOODM
16 August 2009 10:14
Audit and Risk Management CommitteeAnonymous said...If these vulnerable people continued to pay £80 opposed to £18 how has this extra money been spent.
19 September 2009 20:24
26 September 2009 15:57
Audit and Risk Management CommitteeAnonymous said...Molto mysterioso!.We don't know why Employee A & Employee B were suspended,we don't know what decisions was reached and we don't know what instructions were given by the Appeals Committee other than Employee B appears to be completely innocent of what exactly? ( and did it really take 9 months to establish the "fact"?).
I know it's something to do with money,which one of the "Employees" said there was "no financial liability" to the Council?.I've seen all kinds of figures mentioned.Is any money owed or what?.I'm confused......
05 August 2009 22:03
Appeals Sub-CommitteeAnonymous said..."Following the first day's hearing of the grievance and, without any conclusion being reached, the appellant decided that he would withdraw his appeal."
Is that the truth? The whole truth? Nothing but the truth?
So help you, God.
06 August 2009 12:10
Appeals Sub-CommitteeAnonymous said...Nothing like the truth as respective Councillors know......however if you tells the truth one is sure sooner or later to be found out!.
09 August 2009 17:21
Appeals Sub-Committee© copyright the authors. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting.