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Monday, 9 November 2009

Email from The Loose Cannon to Cllr Denise Roberts

The following email has been made available to this site.

----- Original Message -----
From: The Loose Cannon
Sent: Friday, November 06, 2009 12:09 PM
Subject: 'Special Charging Policy'

Dear Councillor Roberts,

I was surprised and disappointed to read the contents of the amendment you moved at Council last Monday.

Surprised because according to Council Minutes you were present at the following meetings when you and other elected members were made aware of the unfairness of the Special Charging Policy policy.

18 January 2005 - Social Care & Health Select Committee
14 February 2005 - Social Care & Health Select Committee
22 August 2005 - Charging Policy Consultation Group

Disappointed because of the part you have played in allowing the policy to continue for four more years in the full knowledge that it was "unfair" and therefore "unlawful", to quote the Director of Law

In the Wirral Globe you are quoted as saying:

"We are dealing with decisions that were intended to improve the life of those in supported living."

"We are dealing with people who tried to do the best job they could, but the best job wasn't good enough."

Can you please explain to me how Mike Fowler was doing the best job he could to improve the life of those in supported living when he wrote
"Once we go for a 'reimbursement' the cover's blown. However we can't bury our head in the sand for too much longer as the charging review group will start soon " ... "it could be argued the domiciliary care charging policy must apply (and should have since '97)" ... ""

Again, I would love to know your rationale for saying Maura Noone was doing the best job she could to improve the life of those in supported living when she wrote
"With other clients who no longer have to pay charges,they are not reimbursed for charges they have paid in the past.This group will be similarly affected ..."

My son was one of many financially [and otherwise] abused by a private provider when placed in their care by Wirral Council. Why has the private provider continued to get away with it nine years later? Because the owner told the police, when questioned under oath, that he was only doing the same as the Council.

You are one of the elected members who turned their backs on people like my son - the most vulnerable people in Wirral.

And perhaps you can explain to me why Martin Morton, the only person in DASS who tried to help my son and others in his predicament, was paid £45,000 to keep quiet, and hounded out of his job, leaving vulnerable people even more vulnerable?


It seems that no acknowledgement has yet been received.

© copyright 'The Loose Cannon', and reproduced by kind permission

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