CARERS have accused the council of “abdicating responsibility” of the elderly in the adult social services shake-up.
Despite the council’s consultation process carers and residents at Pensall House say they feel they have been left out.
They say they feel more of an emphasis is being put on services for people with learning disabilities and the responsibility for the elderly is being abdicated.
If plans go ahead, Poulton House, Wallasey, could be developed into a dementia centre and Pensall House, Pensby, could provide respite for people with learning disabilities.
This would leave the elderly using personal budgets given to them by the council to pay for them to live in their own home for longer or for care in the private sector.
One carer at Pensall House said: “We feel like the duty of care to the elderly has gone.
“The people I look after tell me they feel like they’re a nuisance because they are living too long.
“I overheard one resident say ‘I can’t believe our husbands fought in the war for us to be treated like this.’
“Not one of our residents has been consulted so they don’t know what’s going on. To close all the council-run care homes takes away a safety net.
“As carers we feel that the council are trying to abdicate all responsibility for elderly people.
“It may be cheaper to keep elderly people in their own home, but I don’t feel it’s safer.
“What if the private sector put the prices up and the budgets can’t cover this cost, will the family have to pay?
“Taking away social services is not giving people a choice.”
A spokesman for Wirral’s Department of Adult Social Services said: “There are no ‘plans’ or ‘proposals’ contained in the consultation document, but a series of options which we have been consulting on.
“Cabinet were very clear when they considered this research project that they would not arrive at any view until they had heard what views there were. “The options for Poulton House and Pensall House (outlined in the enquiry) similarly are options that we have been seeking views on.
“We will next be reporting to Cabinet on November 26.”
© copyright Birkenhead News. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
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